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时间: 2015-12-08    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:731   
中国厨房设备网(  日期:2014.10.17  来源:互联网

乔纳森·路泽曼(1997年生)从两岁开始就上了艾斯堡音乐学院的音乐乐趣班。2003年起,他开始跟杜娅·瓦艾尼奥老师学习大提琴。从2009年开始,他进入赫尔辛基西贝柳斯音乐学院的少年班学习,同时接受马尔蒂·罗西教授的指导。他的演奏用琴是芬兰文化基金授予的意大利制琴大师大衛?特克勒(David Tecchler)1707年制作的一把大提琴。


2009年 芬兰The Pro Musica音乐基金会颁发的“年度最佳青少年音乐家”奖;


2010年 芬兰“图尔库大提琴比赛”特别奖

2011年 拉脱维亚里加“奥古斯都东布罗夫斯基斯(Augustus Dombrovskis)”比


2012年 “丹麦国际大提琴比赛”一等奖(是这项比赛有史以来最年轻的参赛者)

2013年 赫尔辛基国际“保罗大提琴比赛”特别奖(是此项比赛有时以来最年轻的参

赛者);葡萄牙波尔图“Premio Suggia”比赛进入前三名


Jonathan Roozeman, Violincello

Jonathan Roozeman (b.1997) began his studies in Espoo Music Institute′s music playschool at age of two. 2003 he started to play violincello with teacher Tuija Vainio. Since 2009 he has studied at the Sibelius Academy Youth Department and is mentored by prof. Martti Rousi. Jonathan plays an Italian David Tecchler –cello (1707) granted by the Finnish Culture Foundation.

Jonathan is a prizewinner in many national and international competitions, e.g.

2009 The Pro Musica: ”Young Musician of the Year”

1st prize and 3 special prizes in the ”Young Musician” competition in


2010 Special prize in the “Turku Cello Competition”

2011 1st prize and a special prize in the “ Augustus Dombrovskis ”

competition, Riga

2012 2nd prize in the “Nationaal Celloconcours”, Amsterdam (youngest

participant of all times)

2013 Special prize in the international “ Paulo Cello Competition ”

(youngest participant of all times)

Among the 3 best competitors in the Finale of the “Premio Suggia”

competition in Porto

Jonathan has performed as a soloist with Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Central Ostrobothnia Chamber Orchestra and Jean Sibelius Orchestra with conductors Jukka-Pekka Saraste and Sakari Oramo. He has had recitals in string and chamber music festivals in Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, The Netherlands and Germany.

Jonathan′s hobbies are tee-making and biking. His favourite colour is blue.中国厨房设备网


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