Koor Industries of IDB Group is one of the most prominent holding companies in Israel, investing in companies operating in a range of business segments. Koor generally invests in companies which operate in the global market and/or international companies and focuses on large-scale investments. Koor examines and invests in companies in which it has a position of control following the investment, as well as in companies in which Koor does not have a position of control following its investment.This, inter alia, in view of the market conditions and opportunities open in them, due to the decline in the market values of large international companies as a result of the economic crisis in the markets.
Koor actively invests in agrochemicals through Makhteshim Agan Industries; ; in telecommunications and technology through its holdings in Microwave Networks; in asset management through Epsilon Investment House; and in venture capital through Koor Corporate Venture Capital.
Koor's portfolio companies’ strategy is to offer products and solutions that are best of breed, capturing international markets through innovation, quality and service.
Koor's primary shareholder is the IDB Group which holds 67.33% - 83% through Discount Investment Corporation and 1.16% through IDB Development Corporation. Koor's ordinary shares are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: KOR).
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