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Hoosier Business Investment Tax Credit

时间: 2015-01-30    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:490   

中国厨房设备网(  日期:2013.4.12  来源:厨房设备

Hoosier Business Investment Tax Credit


The Hoosier Business Investment Tax Credit(HBITC) program encourages capital investment in Indiana by providing a credit against a compan’s Indiana tax liability. The credit amount is based on a company’s qulified capital investment with the final credit amount determined by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation(IEDC), based on an analysis of the economic benefits of the proposed investment. HBITC is established by I.C.6-3.1-26.

Calculation of Credits

The IEDC certifies the amount of the qulified investment that is eligible for credit and the amount directly related to expanding the workforce in Indiana.

A company’s credit award may be up to 10 percent of the qualified capital investment and may be carried forward for nine years. The IEDC determines the applicable credit percentage and carry forward term on a case-by-case basis.


IEDC may enter into an agreement with an applicant if the following conditions exist:

√ The applicant’s project will raise the total earnings of employees of the applicant in Indiana.

√ The applicant’s project is economically sound and will benefit the people of Indiana by increasing opportunities for employment and strengthening the economy of Indiana.

√ Receiving the tax credit is a major in the application’s decision to go forward with the project, and not receiving the tax credit will result in the applicant not raising the total earnings of employees in Indiana.

√ Awarding the tax credit will result in an overall positive fiscal impact to the state, as certified by the budget agency using the best available data.

√ The average wage that will be paid by the taxpayer to its employees(excluding highly-compensated employees) at the location after the credit is given will be at least equal to 150 percent of the hourly minimum wage or its equivalent.

√ A taxpayer receiving the tax credit shall maintaim operations at the project location for at least 10 years during the term that the tax credit is available.


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