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Abundant business opportunities in Chengdu

时间: 2015-11-08    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:547   

作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网 来源:互联网

 As a city among the first batch of National Famous Historic and Cultural Cities, Chengdu has a history of more than 2,300 years. It has formed urban spirits of "Harmony and Tolerance, Wisdom and Integrity, Truth-seeking and Innovation" based on an integration of the old ancient Shu culture and the splendid modern civilization. Moreover, Chengdu is the center of science and technology, commerce, finance, traffic and communication in West China and one of the first batch of National Experimental Zones of Comprehensive Coordinated Reforms for Balanced Urban and Rural Development as well. Chengdu now is making every endeavor to turn itself into a "World Modern Garden City" and develop high-end industries and the high-end links of various industries. In Chengdu, the software and information service industry enjoys extremely favorable conditions, including great support policies, a solid information base, rich human resources, a complete industrial system and abundant business opportunities. Chengdu is a city you would never want to leave once you come. It will also be a city of success for both individuals and enterprises.
 In February of Chengdu, the spring is coming. In the nurture of spring rain, all things will greet new vitality. Ten-year ChinaSoft gathers much popularity and has developed vigorously, and will become a more efficient communication & exchange platform for attendees and provide more profound opportunity of market development.
 We believe that the conference will be more wonderful because of you.
 Please visit our official website-- for more information about the 10th China International Software Cooperation Conference.

Contact information:

Executive Committee of ChinaSoft
January 2012

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