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时间: 2015-09-28    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:1480   

作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网


Hong Jingyi Secretary of the party committee of the China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID)
1962年生,毕业于西北电讯工程学院,大学本科,高级工程师。历任电子工业部第十五研究所技术员,电子工业部人劳司副主任科员,机电部人劳司专业技术干部处主任科员、副处长,电子工业部人教司专业技术干 部处副处长,电子工业部人教司专业技术干部处处长,信息产业部信息化 推进司信息化基础处处长,信息产业部信息化推进司副司长,工业和信息 化部信息化推进司副司长。现任中国电子信息产业发展研究院党委书记。
Born in 1962, graduated from Northwest Institute of Telecommunication Engineering, bachelor' s degree, senior engineer. Served as a technician with the No. 15 Research Institute of the former Ministry of Machine Building and Electronics Industry (MMBEI), senior staff member of the Department of Personnel and Labor of the former MMBEI, principal staff member and deputy division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Labor of the former MMBEI, deputy division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Education of the former MMBEI, division director of the Division of Technical Cadre of the Department of Personnel and Education of the former MMBEI, division director of the Informatization Foundation Division of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the former Ministry of Information Industry (Mil), deputy director of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the former Mil, and deputy director of the Department of Informatization Promotion of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Currently acts as secretary of the party committee of the China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID).


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