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波兰波兹南市副市长Jerzy Stepien先生

时间: 2015-10-30    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:704   

作者:作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网

Jerzy Stepien-自2002年以来担任波兹南市副市长。

波兰波兹南市副市长Jerzy Stepien先生

波兰波兹南市副市长Jerzy Stepien先生



Jerzy St?pień出生于1955年。毕业于波兹南密茨凯维奇大学法律和管理学院。1998年,当选为大波兰省委员会委员。同年,被任命为波兹南副省长。

Jerzy Stepien– Deputy Mayor of Poznań since 2002.

Within the City Hall he supervises Investor Relations Department, Department of Urban Planning and Architecture and Department of Health and Social Affairs.

The scope of his duties is attracting to Poznań foreign investors mainly from priority sectors i.e. activity based on knowledge. He also deals with spatial planning and social affairs. Implementation of spatial planning, supervising on Municipal Urban Planning, Board of Geodesy and Cadastre of the City and Board of Urban Greenery are among his duties. He is a member of the supervisory board of Poznań“?awica” Airport.

Jerzy Stepien was born in 1955. He graduated from Faculty of Law and Administration at Adam Mickiewicz’s University in Poznań. In 1998 he was elected to the Wielkopolska Voivodeship Council as councilor. In the same year he was appointed as a Poznan’s Vice-Governor. He held the office until 2002.

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