Yesterday (12.05.2013) was Janusz Piechociński visit, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy - President of the PSL - in Lower Silesia. In the first place we visited the headquarters Wałbrzyska Special Economic Zone "INVEST-PARK", in conjunction with the Board to discuss WSEZ achievements, particularly in the area of development plans for the coming years.
Then we went to Nowa Ruda, where he held a meeting with the President of the Regional Development Agency "AGROREG" SA, the provincial, municipal authorities and representatives WSEZ "INVEST-PARK", to discuss the economic situation of the Commune Nowa Ruda, plans for the development of the Sub-Nowa Ruda Wałbrzyska Special Economic Zone.
The last part of the visit of Prime Minister of Lower Silesia was a meeting with local government. Representatives of the municipalities have a lot of questions to the Prime Minister, to have received exhaustive answers.
During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński Award of the Minister of Economy presented a statuette - President of the Management Board of the Agency - Mr. Jerzy Dudzikowi for promoting the Polish economy and the specific support provided to Polish entrepreneurs.
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