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Gala "Activity Women 2012″

时间: 2016-02-12    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:952   

中国厨房设备网(  日期:2013.5.31  来源:互联网

5 April 2013 Awards finalists will be announced during a gala and winners of women's activity in 2012. Organized for the second time the competition promoting the activity of women in public life took this year, next to the Lower Silesia, another province: śląskie, opolskie, świętokrzyskie.

The specific objective of the second edition of the contest is to promote the establishment of women in business and the economy. Separate five categories have been announced: the activity of women in the sector of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the social economy entities and local environments. The contest has been carried out. The new cardinals received for the contest were appointed by the Group of ambassadors of the Group of women-Activity of outstanding personalities of public life. An independent jury chose the finalists and winners of the contest.

It is worth mentioning that among the awards people are also gentlemen, who support the activity of women in public life.

The prize is again done by the artist with the Glass Cathedral Academy of fine arts in Wroclaw – will be handed out during the Ceremony. Sculpture-"Glass drops" symbolize the contribution of women in public life, or drops of drążące rock ...

The Ministry of economy covered Gala Honorary patronage.


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