米酒加热的最理想设备TAIJI 米酒加热器
Taiji’s hospitality products such as towel warmers, towel cooler and sake warmer dispensers are used not only in Japan but also around the world.
For example, currently our products have been exported to more than 40 countries such as the U.S. and Canada in North America, the U.K., Germany and other countries in Europe as well as other countries in Asia and the Middle East.
Our heartwarming hot towels are used at various places around the world such as Japanese restaurants, sushi bars and seafood restaurants in the food and beverage industry, beauty salons, spas and hair salons in the beauty industry as well as at dental clinics, nursing care centers etc. in the medical and welfare industries.
In addition, sake is consumed in various countries in the world following Japanese food boom, especially the sushi considered as a healthy food in recent years. Our sake warmer dispensers will be the best equipment that can moderately warm Japanese sake and it will be a necessity for sushi and other Japanese foods.
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