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Harken 2014 receives innovation award

发布时间:2014-03-25 10:24:06   发布人: 互联网    点击数:450  

Pleasing start to the year for HARKEN: the this year's innovation award in the trade fair Intergastra went in the kitchen appliances in the kitchen logistics specialists. Winfried Kretschmann, Minister President of Baden Württemberg, presented the coveted Managing Director Marketing & sales Manfred Pohlschmidt.

The Intergastra innovation award recognizes groundbreaking ideas and innovations that so Kretschmann in his eulogy, "really fascinating, as is thought in detail."

HARKEN Prize industry for its recent development of ISO BOX mobile. With the mobile, highly flexible food transport box, food provider for all distribution situations are perfectly equipped, with only a single device. Today more salads cold keep or tomorrow only warm food to distribute - everything goes without hassle of handling thanks to removable heating and cooling modules.

"We are very proud of this award to one of the leading international trade fairs for the hospitality industry," Manfred Pohlschmidt. "But also the statement by customers, that the novelty on-site clinics, homes or catering help really pleased." Because the system is simple, safe and makes the necessary equipment significantly reduce.

Manfred Pohlschmidt received the innovation award for the HARKEN; here together with the laudatory Winfried Kretschmann (li.), Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, as well as Fritz Engelhardt (re.), President German hotel and Restaurant Association of Baden-Württemberg.



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