STARKEY INDUSTRY Sdn.Bhd. is one of the leading service providers and suppliers of kitchen equipment in the food and beverage sector . We supply equipment as well as consultancy and design services for Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Bakeries, Restaurants, Caterers, Hotels, Fast-Food Outlets, Cafeterias, Food Courts, Colleges, Hospitals, Armed Forces, Theme Parks, Resorts.
Every customer is unique and so are our products. At Starkey's we don't just sell products, we provide Design and Consultancy Services as well as Fabrication of Stainless Steel Kitchen Equipment.
STARKEY INDUSTRY Sdn.Bhd. is one of the leading service providers and suppliers of kitchen equipment in the food and beverage sector . We supply equipment as well as provide consultancy and design services for Bars, Pubs, Clubs, Bakeries, Restaurants, Caterers, Hotels, Fast-Food Outlets, Cafeterias, Food Courts, Colleges, Hospitals, Armed Forces, Canteens, Theme Parks, Resorts.
We have a wide range of products and can meet the majority of your Kitchen Equipment needs. Starkey Industry is a commercial kitchen equipment supplier located at Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Whether you're running a large kitchen, a small specialty restaurant, or in a need of a simple item for occasional use, we can meet your requirements. Starkey will make your Kitchen Equipment purchase hassle-free.
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