Waring Commercial 美国第一品牌搅拌机
Waring, universally known for introducing the first blender in America, is one of today's leading manufacturers of professional-quality appliances for the home and foodservice and laboratory industries. The company manufactures culinary appliances in two product segments: Waring Commercial, consisting of high-performance, large-volume food processors and blenders, heavy-duty heating appliances such as grills, griddles, toasters and deep fryers, and a variety of specialty products; and Waring Pro, a line of professional-quality consumer products that includes everything from blenders and juice extractors to food slicers, waffle makers and convection ovens. With 75 years of manufacturing expertise, Waring is proud to offer the most professional products for professional results.
Waring,众所周知的美国第一品牌搅拌机,是当今领先的为家庭和餐饮行业提供专业品质的家电制造商和实验室。公司主要生产两种厨房电器产品:Waring商业,包括高性能、大容量的食品加工和搅拌机,重型发热电器如烤架,烤盘,烤面包机和炸炉,以及各种特色产品;Waring Pro,系列的专业质量的消费产品,包括搅拌机和榨汁机,食品切片机,华夫饼干机和对流烤箱。具有75年的制造经验,Waring感到自豪的是,为专业的结果提供最专业的产品。
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