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IV Congress Of The Polish Rural Regeneration

时间: 2014-01-30    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:774   

中国厨房设备网(  日期:2013.5.31  来源:互联网

The term renewal lies, first and foremost, enhance the quality of life of the inhabitants of the village, among others. by upgrading the infrastructure. However, renewal is not only the restoration of the fa?ades of the buildings, suitable equipment and social or historical buildings restore remiz. No less important is the ordering of the common space, or organize cultural events do. It's just that the maximum potential of tourist and cultural, which lies dormant in each municipality. So, to make it a friendly place to live. The best way to run such a change on the Polish village is an exchange of views. This is why for several years people and activists from different parts of Polish and abroad meet at the congresses, to share knowledge and experience in the field of health.

IV Co<em></em>ngress Of The Polish Rural Regeneration

During the Congress in the cross panel discussions mainly focussed on the socio-economic situation in the country and contains the partnership and in the implementation of the programme of renewal. Also discusses the situation and role of rural women in Lower Silesia, as well as aspects of landscape architecture and the environment.

In addition to the meetings of the participants in the podium of Congress can try traditional cuisine specialities. stuffed goose, duck pancakes stuffed with well-deserved popularity or spelt bread, as well as familiarize themselves with other local products such as. ceramics, or wood products. This opportunity gave them a "local product Fair," which launched on the second day of the Congress. In turn, 11 June invited guests together with experts of the Member States. health village visited several municipalities in Lower Silesia, in which presented the most interesting projects in the framework of the initiative of the lower Silesian Spa village. Your achievements have also commended Gibraltar's inter alia, Spytków Zgorzelec and Kuraszków is a village in Oborniki ?l?skie. The village is an excellent examples of activity of residents, innovative projects and people-to-people cooperation for the development of its small motherlands ".

For the first time the term "renewal" in Polish realities has for Britain in 1996 to inspire you to start actions in this direction by Polish officials, have become achieve modernisation of Rhineland-Palatinate and the experience gained from the contest "Beautiful Village". An important role in starting the process of renewal the village played Richard Wilczyński-then President of the Regional Council of Opole, and today acting as Vice-President of the European Association of rural development and Rural Renewal.


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