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洗碗机 The Inventors of the Carousel Dishmachine

发布时间:2013-11-22 02:42:38   发布人: 互联网    点击数:483  

洗碗机, Adamation is the originator of the carousel concept, and has been the industry leader for nearly 50 years. The space utilization, ergonomics, design flexibility and labor savings are unmatched by any other style of machine.All Adamation Carousel Dishmachines are custom built-toorder and are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to meet the unique needs of any food service operation. The specifications listed here should be used as guidelines only, as the numerous options could not be covered in detail. Please contact your Adamation representative to consult on the exact machine for your requirements.


°Drain Board with extra Hommel Pot Basket Allows for switching of baskets while machine is in operation.

°Side Spraying Wash Arms Improves washing performance for wares such as thermal trays with a 360° wash pattern.

°Booster Heaters* Available in electric, steam or gas models.

°Blower / Dryer Recirculates heated, forced-air for rapid drying.

°Hose Station with Check Valves* Includes integrated H/C faucet for convenient clean up.

°Hand Wash Station with Soap Bracket Mounted between loading and unloading areas of machine, permits convenient washing of hands without wasted motion


• Heavy-duty Stainless Steel construction

12 ga. stainless steel tables; 16 ga. hoods and cabinets.

• 25” Wash Tunnel

Easily handles full-size sheet pans and stock pots up to 80 qt.

• Powerful Recirculating Pumps

3 hp main wash pump recirculating 320 gpm; 1 1/2 hp power prewash recirculating 75 gpm, 3/4 hp pre-final rinse pump; 3/4 hp transfer pump to pulper trough or disposer.

• Exclusive Disengagable Worm-gear Drive

Allows for flat table construction with no belts or chains. Hinged system easily disengages to allow carousel to be

advanced or reversed by hand.

• Exclusive Dolly System with Stainless Wheels

Nearly friction-free design glides smoothly above table surface.

• Water Saving Pre-Final Rinse

Re-uses 180° final rinse water to increase rinsing efficiency.

• Single Point Connections

Single point connections for each utility.

• Insulated Wash Cabinets and Doors

• Slanted Overhead Rack Storage for 20” Racks

• Two Knee-operated Start/Stop Switches


°Food Waste Pulper

Reduces waste bulk by over 80% and eliminates most water weight while reducing ecological load on sewage system. A variety of food soil troughs are available.

°Garbage Disposer

Supplied by Adamation or use existing system. A variety of food soil troughs are available.

°Spiral Trough

Open worm gear moves bulk garbage from scrapping area to garbage can at end of line. Economical alternative when disposer or pulper are not applicable.中国厨房设备网


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