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Visit of Ms Ilona Antoniszyn - Klik, Undersecretary of State

时间: 2014-08-09    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:869   

中国厨房设备网(  日期:2013.5.31  来源:互联网

25-26 of June 2012: Undersecretary of State from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland visited London, participating in the international conference, organized by Chatham House, " Kick-starting the European Economy". Mme Minister gave one of the opening speeches during the first panel of the conference: "Europe's growth: Stalled or Broken Down ?".

Visit of Ms Ilona Anto<em></em>niszyn - Klik, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Eco<em></em>nomy of the Republic of Poland to London

During the two day conference participants discussed such issues as the current economic crisis in the EU countries and how it will affect the single market, possibilities of stimulation of economic growth, small and medium size enterprises as drivers of innovation and growth and the potential sources of new FDI's in Europe.

During the visit Minister Antoniszyn-Klik also met with Mr Martin Donnelly, Permanent Secretary in Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. During the meeting both sides discussed possibilities of further development of bilateral cooperation between Poland and the UK, the current economic climate in the euro zone, single market issues and also free trade agreements between EU and third countries.


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