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Meeting with representatives of the PSL in Szklarska Poręba

时间: 2015-10-15    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:1089   

中国厨房设备网(  日期:2013.5.31  来源:互联网

At the invitation of the Board of Directors of the PSL Provincial gościłam in March in Szklarska Poręba. In view of the fact that the meeting was attended by a lot of women, I relayed that information about new projects that will facilitate the entry of women into the labour market-the PARP has prepared 30 million PLN to support female businesses among others. mentoring advisory projects.

Meeting with representatives of the PSL in Szklarska Poręba

The themes of the meeting were also special economic zones in Poland, professional education, activities to promote the Polish economy in markets deemed to be prospective by entrepreneurs.


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